5 Must Have Items for Visiting New York City

There is nothing worse than being under prepared for a trip that you are already on. Luckily, we were semi-prepared for our 30 mile trek (in two days) around New York City (we’re crazy), but there are a handful of things we would do differently next time to make our NYC trip a walk in the park. Hopefully this helps you when planning your next trip to the Big Apple!


The backpack is a freaking GAME CHANGER because it evenly distributes the weight across your back vs. one shoulder lugging around a heavy tote bag. I’m telling you – comfort is everything for a busy, fast trip like this. Also, Chase carried the back pack a lot… hehe.

With all of the items I’m about to throw your way, you’re going to WANT the backpack. I bought a cute, black leather backpack from Nordstrom – they have a ton of great options and I’ve since turned mine into my camera bag. I linked the backpack I bought above – the black is sold out, but the other colors are really cute too (I want them bc I’m obsessed and they’re the perfect size)!

nordstrom backpack

Lip Balm!!!

Honestly, your lips will thank you later. We told each other multiple times how thankful we were that we brought the carmex! I put it on at least five times a day. My lips were still chapped for days after leaving New York City. Our lips would have BLED without lip balm.


Is there anything worse than chafing? BUY IT, APPLY IT.

Reusable Water Bottle

We will definitely be bringing reusable water bottles on all trips going forward. Not only will reusable water bottles encourage you to fill up and drink more water, but you’ll also be helping the environment! That’s an A + +.

When you’re hustling and bustling around the city, it’s easy to forget to stay hydrated. With all the walking, alcohol, and lack of water (such a bad combo), I ended up becoming dehydrated (and on a different level of intoxicated). It was honestly scary and I will be reminding myself to CHUG water on all trips (I’m sure Chase will be remind me too… LOL).

wine in little italy

Bathroom Breaks

More water = more bathrooms needed. Take my advice and use the restroom whenever one presents itself. The bathrooms are limited and it seems weird going into some places (i.e. restaurants) to use a restroom when you’re not dining in.

Luckily, when I went to the store they let me use the restroom. They were hesitant, but maybe they could see the look of desperation and pain on my face.


Not just any walking shoes… it needs to be your MOST comfortable made-for walking shoes. Omg. I brought these (but all white) white adidas, thinking they would be cute, comfortable, & good for walking (news flash: the three together doesn’t exist), but I’ve never been more wrong about anything in my entire life. These did not have the arch support that is NEEDED for this type of walking. Will definitely be bringing a gym shoe next time made for walking (and a cute pair that I will put in the backpack… I’m telling you the backpack IS necessary…).

Subway Tips:

  • Get unlimited subway pass for X amount of days (about $30), worth it!
  • Your cell phone map will tell you every subway to take (amazing/so easy)
  • Look at the subway schedule – cannot tell you how many times we missed the subway simply because we didn’t look at the schedule
  • The later it gets, the less rides there are.. making the wait longer & longer (terrible when you just want to crawl into bed)!
  • We stayed in Brooklyn and the subways made it so easy to get around (and it was quicker than I was expecting)

Aaaand those are my five must have items for visiting New York City (and a few subway tips to ease the intimidation). Hopefully this eliminates those annoying, “I wish I would have brought/I wish I had X, Y, and Z” moments on your trip! Also, to eliminate those “I wish I would have known” thoughts – here are my thoughts and opinions on NYC’s tourist attractions.

Having tackled New York City twice, I am READY for our next trip. Happy planning! Let me know if you have any questions.

Leave a comment below if you’re interested in a blog post about how Chase and I manage to SHARE a carryon. *gasps*

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